



Field of Probability

The Ministry of Truth is involved with news, entertainment and the fine arts. Its purpose is to rewrite history and change the facts to fit party doctrine

. George Orwell . .

  • Records Department (Recdep in Newspeak)
  • Fiction Department (Ficdep in Newspeak)
  • Propaganda Department (Propdep in Newspeak)
  • Tele-programmes Department (Teledep in Newspeak)
  • Research Department (Resdep in Newspeak)
  • Music Department (Musdep in Newsspeak)

. . AlterNet .

The new meaning of the word “privacy” will now be (according to MiniTru): “the secure feeling citizens get by knowing that their government is collecting and protecting their personal data.” Old definitions of privacy will no longer be operative.
. . http://www.ministryoftruth.tv/images/mot_neon_logo.gif . Die Grafik "http://legaltshirts.com/thoughtpolice_a.gif" kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält. .
The contents of this article have been determined by Minitrue as doubleplusgood fact and are permitted for viewing by all proles and Party Members. Questioning this material is crimethink and will be corrected by Miniluv.
Die Grafik "http://minitrue.com/img/bb.gif" kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält.

Victory Gin
View our party and protest guide for the months to come . . .

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