


“Subverting tyranny is the highest duty.”

“Another cool shoting game. The stickpage, with their usual graphics style present wpnFire with “no real objectives other than to use explosives, automatic weapons, and whatever else it takes to kill anything that gets in your way”. A simple but very complete game.”//visionmind

“After the bankruptcy of the governments the world economy has been taken over by three mega-corporations. Their dispute is over the highest remaining world asset, INFORMATION. Their goal is to place a taxation monopoly on the free exchange of information… Several independent contractors have started a movement against the mega-corporations. The movement has been codenamed “True Light” and they have declared a stealth war against the mega-corporations. Their goal is to return the economic power to the people. They have setup a small operation to distribute some basic software, connection and computer for those willing to help in liberating the world from the mega-corp menace.”//hacker project

“It’s the year 2019 - Los Angeles is a dark and vile place. Criminals and “Cyberpunks” run rampant among the various levels of the city, streets and sewers. The future of this city looks dark.”//VileCity

“600 years into the future, post nuclear warfare, the earth is destroyed. The remaining population must fight for survival.”//biocidecity

“Du bist ein Netrunner, ein Consolen Cowboy im Cyberspace. In den 90′er nannte man solche Leute wie dich - Hacker. Doch das Netz hat sich geändert. Monitore und Keyboards gehören der Vergangenheit an. Wenn man State-Of-The-Art sein möchte, stöpselt man sich über ein neuronales Interface in die virtuelle Welt der Computer ein.”//hostgrabber

repo! the genetic opera

The Future Car - Skateboard

Entdecke die indigenen Völker der Welt

Media Zone Table of Contents

“Möglicherweise ist dies auch eine Lösung des Fermi-Paradoxons. Der italienisch-amerikanische Physiker Enrico Fermi stellte schon in den dreissiger Jahren fest, dass vieles dafür sprach, dass ausserirdische Intelligenzen im Universum häufig sein müssten, doch wenn sie es wären, so Fermi, müssten sie schon lange hier sein - doch wir beobachten sie nicht. Die Auflösung des Paradoxons könnte also einerseits darin liegen, dass sie längst hier sind, und wir sie nicht als solche erkennen können, und anderseits, dass sie viel zu beschäftigt mit ihren virtuellen Welten sind, als dass sie sich eingehender mit einer neuen, kleinen Zivilisation auf einem unbedeutenden kleinen Planeten am Rande der Milchstrasse kümmern könnten.”//finalfrontier

“Energieautonomie ist nicht nur ein politisches oder kulturelles Konzept, auch keine rein technologische Neuerung, sondern die umfassendste Veränderung der Weltgesellschaft seit der Industriellen Revolution. Wie wir arbeiten, uns bewegen, wohnen, konsumieren – alles wird sich unter dem Paradigma der Energieautonomie verändern. Und für jeden Lebensbereich wird es Gewinner und Verlierer geben, Helden und Gegenkräfte, Hindernisse und Wettkämpfe. Es geht um Leben und Tod, denn der Klimawandel beginnt schon, die Zeit verrinnt erbarmungslos, Altes muss überwunden, Neues erfunden und erkämpft werden.”//energyautonomy

Hart, Scott A.: Nexus-Lex: A Multimedia Chinese-English Lexicon of Characters

via nexuslex


nexus break free

"Nexus presents a holistic vision and an organic process of transformation derived from psychological, spiritual and social development of each individual in the story. It shows that through our access to the source of human creativity, we can regain lost hope due to pain, sorrow, loneliness, depression and despair. Nexus offers solutions to existing problems, since our greatest circle of influence is our own transformation first and foremost. Before we can make social changes, we need to look within ourselves and find the source of inspiration and guidance. Through the connection to the source, the Nexus we can empower ourselves and others."//Title: Nexus : A Neo Novel/Author: Deborah Morrison and Arvind Singh

"Homins aller Nationen und Religionen versammelt Euch ! "//Nexus nackt

"Having chosen Florianopolis as its home base, Nexus is able to offer not only world-class surfing with tons of variety and incredible consistency, but also dining, nightlife and extreme sports options to rival those found anywhere else in the world, all in a backdrop of breathtaking natural beauty and exotic Brazilian culture."//Nexus surf

"For almost a thousand years the Taurus Nexus was the greatest and most magnificent empire mindkind had ever seen. Science mixed with hedonistic indulgence, libertarianism with aicratic guidance. Investment and technology flowed in from all over known space. Even the rise of new toposophic ai elsewhere in the galaxy did not harm the Nexus, although there is no doubt that higher level subversion had a huge effect on local politics, and many bionts, cyborgs, vecs, and superturingrade ai conjured nostalgic visions of the Nexus free of foreign interference"//The Taurus Nexus

"This movement for the individual race calls us to live as we want, think and act according to our deepest and truest desires.

There is no need for titles, no names or categories that dictate expectations. Instead there is a need to break away from social confinements and live according to your heart through allowing its most precious beats to dictate the path you are to follow. Let us allow the internal beast to speak for itself, that in a unified movement the metal bars of society that dictate our lives melt away and allow each individual to act upon their truest desires."//Megan Lucero- The Daily Nexus

"Key duties include developing and implementing:
  • a strategy for Nexus's involvement in schools and community groups
  • crime prevention initiatives and campaigns for young people; and
  • a strategy to reduce anti-social behaviour caused by young people on Metro."//nexus..uk




Information Management: A Proposal

" it would be so much easier if everybody asking me questions all the time could just read my database, and it would be so much nicer if I could find out what these guys are doing by jumping into a similar database of information for them"

In 1989, Berners-Lee submitted a proposal at CERN to develop an information system that would create a web of information. Initially, his proposal received no reply, but he began working on his idea anyway. In 1990, he wrote the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
language computers would use to communicate hypertext documents over the Internet and designed a scheme to give documents addresses on the Internet.
He also wrote the first web server. A web server is the software that stores web pages on a computer and makes them available to be accessed by others. Berners-Lee set up the first web server known as "info.cern.ch." at CERN./////ibiblio

His specifications of URIs, HTTP and HTML were refined as Web technology spread.////w3

  • The Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which specifies how each page of information is given a unique "address" at which it can be found.
  • Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which specifies how the browser and server send the information to each other,.
  • Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), a method of encoding the information so it can be displayed on a variety of devices./////ideafinder
CERN is a wonderful organisation. It involves several thousand people, many of them very creative, all working toward common goals.///w3

Over the years, openness of information has remained Berners-Lee's guiding principle. That is why he never took steps to gain intellectual property or other commercial rights over the Web, as the international computing community came to realize its immense potential.///MIT

Although the Web's conception began as a tool to aid physicists answer tough questions about the Universe, today its usage applies to various aspects of the global community///cern
ENQUIRE was an early project (in the second half of 1980)
ENQUIRE is a method of documenting a system.   It concentrates  on
the way the system is composed of parts, and how these parts are



How would you describe D'Cuckoo?

It's a neo-classical, post-industrial techno-tribal world funk ensemble./switch

D'CuCKOO's music is characterized by engaging sonic depth and dynamic playing style. /telecircus

Phiber Optik and the Masters of Deception

Switch 24 : Re-purpose



Danke Malte :

103 Quellen für kostenlose Fotos

Geschrieben von: Malte Landwehr in Bloggen

Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), founded in New York in 1967 by artists Robert Whitman and Robert Rauschenberg and engineers Billy Kluver and Fred Waldhauer, was the premier art-and-science organization of its time.

Learning applications in Second Life
"A young British graduate from Camberwell College of Arts bases his art on the search for waste which he finds by going trough the streets and later on marks in a very particular way. Ian Stevenson goes out every night to walk trough the city looking for trash in order to express his art." ArtNexus

via Peter Soltau Hermann Maurer,Xperte,2007
Artefacts.net Artists

Dietrich „Didi“ Mateschitz

See you at Microlearning2008, from June 25th – 27th in Innsbruck, Austria! Dateisymbol pdf-Datei Einundvierzigstes Strafrechtsänderungsgesetz zur Bekämpfung der Computerkriminalität (41. StrÄndG)



Soothe your baby to sleep with the natural motion they first experienced in the womb

Will Wright explains how games are unleashing the human imagination.