


nexus break free

"Nexus presents a holistic vision and an organic process of transformation derived from psychological, spiritual and social development of each individual in the story. It shows that through our access to the source of human creativity, we can regain lost hope due to pain, sorrow, loneliness, depression and despair. Nexus offers solutions to existing problems, since our greatest circle of influence is our own transformation first and foremost. Before we can make social changes, we need to look within ourselves and find the source of inspiration and guidance. Through the connection to the source, the Nexus we can empower ourselves and others."//Title: Nexus : A Neo Novel/Author: Deborah Morrison and Arvind Singh

"Homins aller Nationen und Religionen versammelt Euch ! "//Nexus nackt

"Having chosen Florianopolis as its home base, Nexus is able to offer not only world-class surfing with tons of variety and incredible consistency, but also dining, nightlife and extreme sports options to rival those found anywhere else in the world, all in a backdrop of breathtaking natural beauty and exotic Brazilian culture."//Nexus surf

"For almost a thousand years the Taurus Nexus was the greatest and most magnificent empire mindkind had ever seen. Science mixed with hedonistic indulgence, libertarianism with aicratic guidance. Investment and technology flowed in from all over known space. Even the rise of new toposophic ai elsewhere in the galaxy did not harm the Nexus, although there is no doubt that higher level subversion had a huge effect on local politics, and many bionts, cyborgs, vecs, and superturingrade ai conjured nostalgic visions of the Nexus free of foreign interference"//The Taurus Nexus

"This movement for the individual race calls us to live as we want, think and act according to our deepest and truest desires.

There is no need for titles, no names or categories that dictate expectations. Instead there is a need to break away from social confinements and live according to your heart through allowing its most precious beats to dictate the path you are to follow. Let us allow the internal beast to speak for itself, that in a unified movement the metal bars of society that dictate our lives melt away and allow each individual to act upon their truest desires."//Megan Lucero- The Daily Nexus

"Key duties include developing and implementing:
  • a strategy for Nexus's involvement in schools and community groups
  • crime prevention initiatives and campaigns for young people; and
  • a strategy to reduce anti-social behaviour caused by young people on Metro."//nexus..uk

