


Note to thyself

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Cognitive Sciences Osnabrück

The Cognitive Science Society, Inc. brings together researchers from many fields who hold a common goal: understanding the nature of the human mind.//CSS

The world needs critical thinkers now!

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Cyberpunk Cyberstream

Tags / cyberpunk

6 Future Mods for Our Minds and Bodies


The Alt.Cyberpunk.Chatsubo Anthology

What is Cyberpunk?

CyberCulture Zone

Attitude is no substitute for competence. On the other hand, at least cyberpunks are excited about the right things and properly respectful of hacking talent in those who have it. The general consensus is to tolerate them politely in hopes that they'll attract people who grow into being true hackers.//catb


Culture Jamming 2.0

The End of Cyberspace

"Care of the self, unity and peace, is the message inscribed on the tomb of Daphnis. Peace and unity, the freedoms of a ruling class – to be a law unto one’s self: that’s nobility, even (and especially) amongst the poorest peoples on the earth; the ideal must be created, and often, fashioned with a hammer."//emale

You cannot erase a Malevich Square”

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